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Windows 93


Recent News

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An end of an era


As of today, I have decided to shut down all of the public game servers. I no longer have the time to properly maintain these (not that they were properly set up anyway), and I feel I would rather have them shut down than sit in a list of dead servers. This is not the end of this website, however. I may choose to repurpose this website, possibly for my hobby electronic projects. However, as for the hosted game, I have no plans of rehosting them publicly. More updates are to come in the future

More background options have been added


If you click on the time/audio in the bottom right corner, it will allow you to switch the background of the page. There are multiple backgrounds per "opearting system," which can be changed by clicking the "start" button many times. More updates are to come in the future

Polished up the websited, added secret XP mode


Website has been polished up to appear a bit nicer, some random sound effects added for fun, and a secret XP mode added (hint: the start button). More update are to come in the future.

Factorio server has been restarted, OpenTTD server dropped


The Factorio world was reset, due to the poor generation of the world hindering progress. The server was also made public to the Factorio server list. the openTTD server was also discontinued...months ago...due to lack of interest from everybody, including me. More update are to come in the future.

Updated Website to be more windows 98-like


The website recieved a long needed update today. Buttons have been added if you want to make text larger, or close the window. They are mostly for looks, but do function. More update are to come in the future.

Added status bar to CPU and RAM usage.


On the Status page, I added a little status bar next to the CPU and RAM usage numbers. More updates are to come in the future.

Updates to the Server Status Section


The section named "The Servers" is renamed now to "Server Status." There, I added live status updates for all of the servers that are currently running. This includes CPU and RAM usage. They update every 5 seconds. More updates are to come in the future.

Updated the layout of the website


The layout of the website has been updates so that it is easier to read and view the images. More updates are to come in the future.

Officially added "Slightly Bigger Chungus" to the server list


"Slightly Bigger Chungus" has finally been added to the list of servers I use. This server will be used for games such as Minecraft and others. More news will come in the future.

We got a domain!


Today, we bought the domain "" This is a big step forward for us since now we have an actual domain and people can find us. Thank you to all who helped support me. More news will come in the future.

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